Monday, July 21, 2014

Things I don't understand

Today I am having me time, which consists of doing laundry lol...but chilling in bed too and researching cancer prevention. I figure I haven't really stopped since daddy had his surgery over a year ago, I took no time off when he passed so today I am taking that time, b/c I know I will be going back to work soon.

So in doing this research I find all this crazy info like many cancers are not inherited they are environmental. So I got to thinking... mom was only 69 when she passed, daddy didn't have cancer but he was 70. Losing them in my 30's has really made me a hypochondriac especially seeing people post on FB at least once or twice a month someone even younger than my parents dying of cancer. Now that I have seen it first hand I think it is safe to say I want to go like my grandmother on moms side did.... really old after a bath and in my sleep.

Daddy's sickness was mostly his fault. Some of it was from Agent Orange exposure, but daddy didn't exercise, and didn't take care of himself. He smoked from 14 to 65 and surprisingly cancer wasn't what got him, bad self care was. Daddy liked his sweets, heck he liked food in general. He wasn't one for working out or getting out. He thought work was his daily exercise and I'm sure to a point is was working for vending companies. When he wasn't at work he was at home on his butt in front of the TV. Sometimes we would all clean on the weekend, daddy cleaned more than mom but when Chris and I got older we took that over(mostly me). Daddy loved everyone with all of his heart but it seemed like he didn't love himself enough to take care of his body to stick around. So b/c he had this part of him that couldn't truly care for himself he cared for us. Maybe that doesn't make sense, but it's how I see it. Diabetes and kidney failure from being overweight and poor nursing care is what took my father.

Mom's cancer really threw me for a loop. Mom was extremely overweight when she was diagnosed. Sugar feeds cancer and mom liked her sweets too. She was completely against any natural treatments to help her through the chemo. As usual she wasn't going to listen to me even though I thoroughly research taking things like barley grass and hemp oil to help with the chemo side effects and cleansing the blood. Mom was a smoker back in the day. I remember her smoking when I was very little but she swore she stopped when she got preg. with me. She only smoked for a grand total of 10 years.... although she would tell the dr's she never smoked. I guess it was a good thing I went to most of her appointments with her to remind her she did... she never liked it when I did that. She would get mad and tell me she didn't smoke that long... I would remind her while I was a social smoker for a while I as well didn't smoke that much or that long but I wouldn't lie about it. I guess she was embarrassed by it. I drink the occasional beer or glass of wine, I have smoked and I am sure it has done some damage to my body...ok how can people help if we don't disclose what we do.

Mom's cancer was (they say) most likely caused from hormone treatment during menopause. It's a type of cancer you can get from eating meat that was treated with growth hormones. I am not surprised she took a ton of stuff during menopause and a few years after she was through it she had to have a hysterectomy due to stage 1 cancer of the uterus. They should have treated her with mild chemo then. She was supposed to go back and have her ovaries removed but never did... a few years later its all over her.

It's so crazy to think about. Her mom lived to be 93. Her mom's sisters lived into their late 80s and 90s. Longevity is very prevalent on her side of the family... lord my aunt Gladys died at 98 and smoked menthol's from 12 to 75.... I mean what the heck!! She never had a pap smear, mammogram, rarely went to the dr... 98, boggles my mind. So how could this happen to mom.... I feel like the food she ate, the lack of exercise, sugar sugar sugar.... and hormone therapy. Thank God I couldn't take birth control. I plan on drying up like a raisin naturally. But even though I know their lack of care of their bodies created many of the ingredients that led up to their sicknesses and untimely deaths, I look at people their age, that still smoke, drink, don't really take care of their temple... and they are still kicking nothing really wrong with them yet, and I think its not fair. Then I see on FB ppl losing friends and family in their 40's to cancer and I'm just blown away.

How many more children have to lose their parents in an untimely manner before people start really doing something. Maybe they are but I have always thought there was a cure... but the greed of ppl pushing radiation and chemo is more prevalent than saving our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, etc... I don't understand why after so many years no one is producing a cure... we can clone a sheep but we can't cure cancer? Seriously? With all of the genius dr's out there, and all of the people researching it... nothing can be done but pump poison in our bodies that I feel like killed mom more than the cancer. In April when she went into the hospital she was dying then. The day I found her in her room with her lips blue and unresponsive I knew it was time. Then this dr on his white horse comes in and says we can do radiation and you will have at least 18 more months. I wasn't happy with this, I didn't think it would help it wasn't even the reason why she had to go into the hospital to begin with. So they pumped her up on an ample amount of steroids, gave her false hope and as soon as the treatments were over and she was weaned of the steroids, she was back into the dying phase again.

They gave me 3 really good weeks with mom, I appreciate that... I don't appreciate the false hope that was ripped away from her. She was absolutely destroyed when we had to call in hospice. To the point she lost it on me and said things that hurt me so bad, I don't appreciate that. It could have been avoided had they just been honest. These are the things that I think about daily... how can ppl who take worse care of themselves my parents age still be here but my parents had to be ripped away? How can children lose a parent that does take care of themselves and ppl who don't get to stay? It makes me angry. It makes me paranoid. It makes me sad..... it's a type of injustice that shouldn't be a part of life.

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