Sunday, July 27, 2014

Almost Football Time in Tennessee

Only 35 Days until college football season starts. One thing daddy always said was college football was the purest form of the sport. Guys are playing their heart out to go pro and that is the incentive. They aren't being paid, they love the sport, they bust their butts... college football is the best. It was hard last year watching it without daddy. If I wasn't watching it with dad we were calling each other through the game or after. Then before church started we would sit in the pew the next day and complain about bad coaching lol. When I was a little girl I would sit in his lap and watch whatever sport he was watching. It was mainly baseball, but I was always there with him when it was on. 

Daddy would take me to most of the Braves games he went to b/c he said I was his lucky charm. 9 times out of 10 when he took me they would win. Even when they were the baby blues and sucked worse than any team out there.... aside of the Angels maybe. He had this chair that he always sat in that he got from his dad. It is really the only thing I want from moms if I had to pick just 1 thing. Its old and worn, but its the sports chair and I wouldn't change it.  My most favorite of all memories is being a little girl sitting in his lap listening to Skip Carey call the games. I can hear the crickets chirping in the window that was next to where we sat and feel the warm breeze blow in. I never felt more safe and loved. Most of the time didn't stay awake after the 7th inning stretch but I always made myself stay awake so I could sing " take me out to the ball game" with daddy.

Going to the games was a whole different bag of chips. I am pretty sure daddy would at least start one stadium sweeping wave per game at Fulton County Stadium. He taught me how to heckle and not get kicked out lol, and taught me everything one would need to know about the game. Then when it was time to sing he always picked me up and held me while we sang. We even got on the jumbotron a couple of times. 

In 5 weeks the 1 year anniversary of his passing and his birthday will be upon me. Every day I think this time last year daddy was still here. That small comfort is fixing to expire and now its time to get used to it. 

Growing up my daddy used to always say, you go to your mom with all of your problems sometimes I wish you could come to me, so I did and he had my back ever since. If I was being picked on by an ex-husband, a boss, a friend, well just being picked on I knew he would take up for me even if I didn't need it. When I was 18 I was working at a hotel as the front desk clerk. I against policy gave my drunk friends a room one night so they would stay off the streets and not get into a wreck or a DUI. I was later fired for it and my dad called up there and raised hell! He always got so dang furious when he felt like I was being treated poorly....and I don't mean a little mad....flames coming from his ears!! Who would I be if it wasn't for his support?

I think I would be a shell of a woman, I think I would still be married to a person who treated me horribly for years, or worse a spinster b/c I had no confidence. My dad has always made me feel like I am important and I have a voice. He always told me it's okay to be silly and to always be who I am not what someone wanted me to be b/c who I am is how God made me.  He has been one of my biggest supports even if he didn't agree with why he was supporting me, maybe he's not the perfect parent but he has been perfect for me!  

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