Thursday, October 8, 2015

..... Moving on

It has been such an eye opening week in St. Simons. Let me start by saying, my Aunt Anne is one of the most gracious kind loving women I have known in my life and I know daddy would be so happy we left the bulk of his ashes here in the ocean, near her. In the week we have been here she has gone out of her way to make sure we are having a good time, taken care of, and fed at the best places! She and Uncle Roy are just absolutely amazing people!! Daddy loved her so... he wanted the remainder of his ashes to be left here, he was with us when we left him here and I could just feel him and his daddy on the beach that day.... and she made it special.

A few months ago I knew it was time to start letting go; and in moving on, my parents had a plan and told me when it was time stick to the plan. So, I did.... I went from town to beach to river to town to scatter their ashes. I even at one point broke down, swallowed my pride and contacted their adopted son to ask if he wanted some of their ashes, to which I never got a response. Oh well.... I tried, but continued on to do as they asked me to. At the end of the road I figured out why they wanted me to go to such lengths. Revisiting all of the places we frequented in my childhood I replaced the pain of losing them with the love they spent 35 years instilling in me. I was reminded of the awesome childhood I was provided and they were in spirit by my side every town, to beach, to river, to town..... scattering their ashes.

I miss my daddy and I will continue to miss him every day until the lord calls me home. He was my most dearest and best of friends. My therapist, and protector. He was my north star and I will continue my life in his stead giving everyone who crosses my path the love and example he made for me. I miss the feisty fierce red headed hurricane that was my mom. I hope that I will make her proud even though I won't hear her say it until I am called home when I am super old. She taught me to be independant and to take care of myself. I couldn't have been a single mom without that.

Like my Aunt Anne said today as I scattered the last of daddy...." now it is time to make new memories ". She is right! It's time to let go of what was and embrace what is to come. In that I will carry the wonderful valuable pieces of immortality my mom and daddy taught me. Some of it I will tweek and make my own..... some of it I wouldn't change for the world.

As I close my blog on the aftermath I want to say.... hug your parents, loved ones, ppl who have influenced your life, take not one second for granted. Family is so important, family means so much! Don't put yourself in a position where you one day look back and wish you did things different. I can say for the most part I did my best ( not counting the ages of 15-18 b/c I was a total ass) , my parents did their best and when I look back at the past with them I see nothing but love and support. If you have children, its your chance to give them a love like my daddy gave me, unconditional, that they will learn and give others. Like the love we are given by our heavenly father. Its how I was raised, its the most powerful lesson I learned.... and I am so blessed to have been given such an amazing gift!

To everyone who has read this blog and shared my journey, I truly love and appreciate you! I hope that my trials and errors have helped or will help you one day. I hope that I can encourage you, and I want you to know if you should ever need a shoulder you have mine. If you ever want someone to just listen and say nothing, you have my ear. Thank you for being a part of this with me. It means more than you will ever know, more than I can ever show, but I hope to give when you need it too!!

Curtis Jamerson Richardson Jr.   09/07/1943- 09/07/2013
Virginia Thompson Richardson   10/29(30?)/44 - 06/20/2014

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